Aerial Acrobatics is an art form in which a person performs while suspended in the air. Considered part of the circus arts, it used to be seen only at circus shows. But the popularity of aerial has boomed in the last decade, and now you can find aerial studios across the country. Cirque Boreal is proud to bring the art of aerial acrobatics to Alaska in Anchorage and Eagle River.

Aerial Silk (Fabric, Tissu) is an aerial art that uses a single piece of fabric suspended with two loose ends for performing aerial acrobatics.

Aerial Sling, also known as aerial hammock, is an aerial art that uses a single piece of fabric suspended by the ends to form a sort of swing used for aerial acrobatics.

Cirque Boreal offers classes in aerial acrobatics (aerial silk, aerial sling, and lyra) in Eagle River and Anchorage

Aerial Hoop, also known as Lyra, is an aerial art that uses a large hoop as a prop for performing aerial acts.

If you would like an aerial silk performance at your next event contact us today!
Meet Our Instructor:

My name is Stephany Jeffers and I have been doing aerial since 2008. I grew up in Chugiak, AK. I got a degree in Biology with a minor in Theater at Whitworth University in Spokane. That's where my real love of dance started. My background is in ballroom, musical theater dance, and improv. When I started doing aerial, I trained in aerial with the Aerial Angels and continued to work with local Alaskan aerialists. After a few years I packed up my silks and hit the road... I lived in Seattle, Tucson, Brooklyn, and SLC for a time and have enjoyed checking out the aerial scene in each. I had been teaching aerial recreationally for about 5 years, but in 2016 started Cirque Boreal. I have a masters in Biology that I may use someday, but for now I love getting to build a circus community and make a living dancing on air.